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Filter FX Special Photography Effects app iphone review,Filter FX Special app iphone,Filter FX Special app,Filter FX Special iphone

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Filter FX Special Photography Effects app

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Filter FX Special Photography Effects app
This special effects photographic manipulation editing app for your iphone is free. It allows you to change the way your photograph looks. It allows you to create a sophisticated dramatic effect very quickly. You choose a photo from your iPhone camera roll and the software produces nime thumbnail photographs showing you what that photograph would look like if a special effect filter was applied to it. You simply choose the photograph you like.

On filter makes the photograph more vivid with stronger saturated colours. Another filter called cool adds a hint of blue to lower the colour temperature of the photograph. The Warm filter does the opposite. It helps make a photograph taken under a grey cloud covered sky look like it was taken on a summer’s day. There are four filters that try to make you photograph look vintage like it was taken over 40 years ago. The software can also turn your photograph black and white. If you take portraits you will like the soften filter.

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