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New York NY Times News app for the iPhone review

iPhone & iPad Apps Review
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New York NY Times News app

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New York Times NY News app
This New York Times News reader app provides a quick summary of the current news being reported in this trusted American newspaper. Obviously there is a USA slant to the news but it is good to read different view points. When you click on the link the New York Times News reader app takes you to the full report. This app is better than the BBC World News Reader app as its text has been optimised for the iPhone unlike the BBC News Reader app. I have fount it slightly quicker to refresh and down load the new stories. I think this is because the NY Times News app does not use photos in its summary page.

New York NY Times News app for the iPhoneNew York NY Times News app for the iPhone review New York NY Times News app for the iPhone review

If you find an article which interests you then it can be shared via e-mail, test message, Twitter or Facebook from within the app. You just have to touch one of the buttons.

On the Menu bar at the bottom there two letter ‘T’s, one big and one small. You touch these buttons to change the size of the newsprint to suit your eyes. If you touch the ‘more’ button you can read your news filtered by topic, interest and location in the world.

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