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Left Hand X-ray skeleton game app for the iphone review,Left Hand X-ray skeleton game app iphone,X-ray game app iphone

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Left Hand X-ray skeleton fun app

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X-ray FX left hand skeleton app
The X-ray left hand skeleton app for the iPhone is pure fun. It is great for playing a prank on your friends. It works on adults as well as children. Load up the app and go and speak with your victim. Say to them, “Hi look at this new application I have got for my iPhone. It turns it into an X-ray machine. Look I will show you. Just put out your left hand.”

That is when you place your iphone over their hand and move it slowly up and down as if you were using the camera to take an X-Ray. Tap on the Xray button to begin. On screen you will see a realistic skeletal xray of a left hand and lower arm. The X-ray app is very juvenile, very cool and disturbingly weird.


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