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Planets astronomy app for the iPhone,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone review,Planets app iPhone review,Planets app review,

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Planets app

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Planets astronomy app
If you are out walking at night or sitting out in the garden on a warn summers evening looking at the stars, the Planets astronomy app for the iPhone comes in very hand for finding out the location of planets and star systems. It uses your iphone’s GPS system to work out your location and then produces a personalised star map. It shows you what you should be seeing in the sky above you. It shows you what planets are visible. If you touch the planet icon it will tell you the name of the planet and what time it rises and what time it sets.

Planets astronomy app for the iPhone,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone review,Planets app iPhone review,Planets app review,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone review,Planets app iPhone review,Planets app review, Planets astronomy app for the iPhone,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone review,Planets app iPhone review,Planets app review,

For more information on other planets touch the ‘visibility button at the bottom and a screen appears that lists all the planets and the times they can be seen in the sky. From that screen if you touch one of the planet icons you get a photograph pf the planets surface.

Planets astronomy app for the iPhone,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone review,Planets app iPhone review,Planets app review, Planets astronomy app for the iPhone,Planets astronomy app for the iPhone review,Planets app iPhone review,Planets app review,  

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