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Baby Pregnancy Tracker app for the iPhone

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Baby Pregnancy Tracker app

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Baby Pregnancy Tracker app
The Baby Pregnancy Tracker application for the iPhone enables you to follow the development of your baby. The graphics on this app are much better than the compertition. In the free 'lite' version you are able to see just one week of each trimester. In the full baby Pregnancy Tracker version you get the full 42 weeks.

Baby Pregnancy Tracker app for the iPhone Baby Pregnancy Tracker app for the iPhone

As well as the beautifully detailed pictures showing how your baby is progressing, and a description of what major developments have happened in that week. There is a calculator that enables you to see how many weeks you are pregnant and calculates your due date.

Baby Pregnancy Tracker app for the iPhone Baby Pregnancy Tracker app for the iPhone

iPad weather app iPad YouTube app iPad app store iPad calendar app iPad voice recorder app iPad compass app iPad map app iPad camera app iPad phone app iPad safari app iPad mail app iPad messaging app iPad stocks app iPad music app

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