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iPhone Banner app, iPhone Banner application,iPhone Banner app review, iPhone Banner application review,

iPhone & iPad Apps Review
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Banner - send messages app

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Banner app
What a clever idea. With this application you turn your iPhone into a dot matrix news banner that can be read across a darkened room. You enter words that you want to be displayed into a scrolling message across the whole screen as a banner. So what, you say. When will you need to use that? If you go to a crowded night club, bar or pub you can send messages to your mate at the bar getting the drinks.

The Banner is also great to pass a message in a noisy places like stadium, concert, club. At a large night time music concert in Wembley Stadium the banner app was used to summons first aid help. By touching anywhere on the screen you can edit the text. Once you have set the message, it begins to scroll to the left once you have turned your device to the side.

iPad weather app iPad YouTube app iPad app store iPad calendar app iPad voice recorder app iPad compass app iPad map app iPad camera app iPad phone app iPad safari app iPad mail app iPad messaging app iPad stocks app iPad music app

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