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Disk Space App iPhone, Disk Space Application iPhone,Disk Space App iPhone review, Disk Space Application iPhone review,

iPhone & iPad Apps Review
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Disk Space - a check for free space app

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Disc Space application
The Disc Space app allows you to see how much space you have left on your iPhone’s hard drive. I know that this facility is available when you plug your phone into your computer and sync it with iTunes but some times you want this information when you are away from your computer and considering down loading a film, video, TV program, music track or game.

It is free and I recommend you download it. The Disc Space app is a useful iPhone application. It is one of those applications that should have been included with the iPhone.

iPad weather app iPad YouTube app iPad app store iPad calendar app iPad voice recorder app iPad compass app iPad map app iPad camera app iPad phone app iPad safari app iPad mail app iPad messaging app iPad stocks app iPad music app

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