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Translator app, translation app, Language translation app, Translator application, translation application, Language translation application,Translator appiphone, translation app iphone, Language translation app iphone, Translator application iphone, translation application iphone, Language translation application iphone,

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Translator app - Language translation

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Translator is a free multi language translation app
Translator is a free multi language translation app for the iPhone. There are many single language translation apps on apple’s iPhone App Store but this one is different as it features the ability to translate words into a number of different languages.

There are a couple of disadvantages with translation applications. If you go abroad to and want to use the Translator app you will be disappointed, as it needs the Internet to work. It does not work off line. Most sensible iPhone users will turn off their ‘Data Roaming’ function before they got off the plane, train or ferry to stop getting a huge internet bill.

The other facility that is missing from this free Translator app which is present on the paid for single language translation apps is the ability of the iPhone to pronounce the foreign phrase for you. You have to remember this is a free iPhone application.

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