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iPhone - Check Please - Tip and VAT Tax Calculator app for the iphone

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Check Please - Tip Calculator app

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iPhone - Check Please - Tip and VAT Tax Calculator
My maths is awful. It was one of those subjects at school I found hard. I managed to pass the final exam but I still find mental arithmetic a problem. I know I am not alone. I feel the pressure mounting when I am in public and have to work out how much to tip after having been presented with a bill in a restaurant or in a taxi. For me this Check Please Tip Calculator app is great.

It is very simply to use. You just spin the wheel to find the tip percentage rate you want. You then type in the cost of the bill. It shows what the total should be with the tip and what the tip is. You can also use to work out tax like VAT. Just set the tax rate on the dial and enter the excluding tax price.

iPhone - Check Please - Tip and VAT Tax Calculator app for the iphone iPhone - Check Please - Tip and VAT Tax Calculator app for the iphone

iPad weather app iPad YouTube app iPad app store iPad calendar app iPad voice recorder app iPad compass app iPad map app iPad camera app iPad phone app iPad safari app iPad mail app iPad messaging app iPad stocks app iPad music app

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