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SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app,SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app iphone,SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app review

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SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app

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SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app
I think we have all played the old missile command classic arcade game. SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app for the iPhone is a more modern revamped missile command game. The graphics have been upgraded on this version. Instead of blowing up incoming missiles you have to destroy the bombers cruising across the top of the screen before they drop their load of explosive death. The goal is to protect your land bases. If you are too slow the falling bombs destroy everything you have and you lose the game. Unlike the original Missile Command game there is not unlimited ammo available so be careful how you use it. The story is that you are the sole defender of Shelton Air Force Base and you have to destroy wave after wave of enemy aircraft.

SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app,SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app iphone,SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app review

SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app,SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app iphone,SAM Surface to Air Mayhem game app review

To launch your surface to air defensive missiles you just touch the screen where you want them to explode. They will detonate at that location unless they collide with any enemy bombs or missiles. Always try to destroy enemy cargo planes as they drop crates of cargo when they blow up. When these hit the ground your turret will be upgraded. The turret is equipped with an overdrive system that can be used only once permission code named ‘mayhem’. It allows your turret to fire unlimited missiles for a five second burst before over heating. To activate the ‘Mayhem’ option quickly tilt or flip your iPhone to the left or right. On the full version there are over 60 levels of bombing fun.

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