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Find My Car app iPhone,Find My Car app review, Find My Car application iPhone,Find My Car app iPhone review, Find My Car application iPhone review,  iphone app review,

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Find my Car - a GPS car locator app

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Find My Car app
I like the Find My Car app for the iPhone. It is very practical. I recently went to the City of Ely. I had never been there before. I could not get in the car park because of the amount of Christmas shoppers. I spent about 20 minutes driving around the side streets until I found a parking space. After a couple of hours seeing the sights and shopping it was time to go home. I had lost all sense of direction by that time. My wife wanted to go off towards the cathedral. I knew that was the wrong way. I got my iPhone out and launched the Find My Car application and once the GPS had logged in I pressed the bottom right hand corner Find My Car button. It showed me the right way to go, through the maze of side streets, to find my car. Brilliant it does what it says on the ‘front of the box’.

The only problem with the Find My Car application is remembering to get your iPhone out when you park your car and press the ‘Save My Position’ button. The ‘Find My Car’ app uses the iPhone 3G's location services to quickly locate your position by way of GPS coordinates. The application uses Google maps that is built in to the iPhone so the maps are as accurate as Google has made them.

Be careful if you park your care in a multi-storey parking garage. I used the app on my last trip to Croydon. As I approached my car’s location according to the iPhone screen it was apparent that I was on the wrong level but right over my car. I went up two levels and there it was.

There are two cars in my family. One is a tall Renault Espace with a roof box and the other is my daughter’s small Ford KA. I can always see the Renault in any car park because of the height but I really have problems trying to find the Ford KA. The Find My Car application helped my find the ford when I went to an airshow at Biggin Hill Airport. There were thousands of cars parked on the grass and I could not see the car. The Find My Car app took me straight to the correct row and position. What a simple and yet brilliant concept. It is a fantastic, useful app. Download it now.

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