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F-22 Raptor Stealthfighter, 3DBomber game app iphone review 3DB,3DBomber game app i-phone review 3DB,Bombing game app iphone review 3DB,Bombing game app i-phone review 3DB

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3DB the F-22 Raptor Stealthfighter 3D Bomber game app review
For this game you are flying a F-22 Raptor Stealthfighter over an enemy tank or terrorist in a boat. You have to control the laser guided missile you have just fired using a red target cross hairs. You control the raptor fighter by tilting your iPhone left and right up and down. You do the same for the target sight once the rocket has been launched. For the first two missions I have found it is best to get the cockpit over the target tank before you launch your missile. On the anti terrorist mission wait until your cockpit is over the third bridge.

On the last mission in the city wait until you see the first bit of the red arrow. Watch out for the anti-tank missiles. Guide your red cross down behind the plane towards the crossroads the tank is heading towards. This is the kill zone. Yes the game play is limited but it is fun and you need some skill to blow up the bad guys. It is a charity app and money for the full version goes towards Operation Gratitude who send care parcels out to the US military.

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