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Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app for the iPhone, pregnancy contractions, Birth contractions, pregnancy contractions app, Birth contractions app,Contraction Master app,Contraction Master app iphone

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Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app

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Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app
At the end of your pregnancy your waters will break and your contractions will start. Medical staff will want to know your rate and frequency of contraction. Forget pen paper and watch. The Contract master app for the iPhone will make things simple.

Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app for the iPhone, pregnancy contractions, Birth contractions, pregnancy contractions app, Birth contractions app,Contraction Master app,Contraction Master app iphone Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app for the iPhone, pregnancy contractions, Birth contractions, pregnancy contractions app, Birth contractions app,Contraction Master app,Contraction Master app iphone

It features two screens. The first is a timer screen with a single, large button. Just tap once at the start of the contraction and tap again at the end. Contraction Master automatically keeps track of the start time, end time, duration, and frequency of each contraction. At any time, you can switch to the History screen to see a log of all contractions that have been timed.

Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app for the iPhone, pregnancy contractions, Birth contractions, pregnancy contractions app, Birth contractions app,Contraction Master app,Contraction Master app iphone Pregnancy Birth Contraction Master app for the iPhone, pregnancy contractions, Birth contractions, pregnancy contractions app, Birth contractions app,Contraction Master app,Contraction Master app iphone

If you want to send your contraction history to your doctor or print a copy, the History screen features a ‘send history’ button. All you do is tap it, and Contraction Master prepares a beautifully formatted email message with your contraction log which you can send to your doctor right from your iPhone.

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