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Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone review

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Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app

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iPhone - Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone
Chocolate Shop Frenzy is one of the few iphone game app that will leave you hungry. If you are a chocolate lover this game is for you. You play the role of shopkeeper in a Chocolate shop dealing with customer’s orders. You have to make the chocolates and put them in the correct box as requested from the menu card you give the customers. A nice refreshing thing about this game is that it does not involve violence or racing. My daughters love this time management game.

Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone reviewChocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone review

Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone review

There are several types of customers. Some are old and some are young. The only real variation is how quickly they become impatient and how much they tip. They don’t interact with each other. Although you track progress on a calendar, there are no changes in the weather or items sold. Every level looks just the same—the machines are in the same place and do the same things, although occasionally a new machine is added. There’s no player choice for décor or costumes.

There’s one match three in a line mini-game that repeats every 3 levels. IIt says the purpose of the match three in a line mini-game is to create new recipes, the ingredients on the grid have nothing to do with the new item you end up creating. You can cheat by quickly touching most squares on the grid and you find something that moves down and becomes a three items in line and disappears. Trying to find the correct thing to move by eye is a lot slower and harder. The Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone played in short bursts is still a lot of fun. If you are a time-management fan and are looking for a simple but challenging game - Chocolate Shop Frenzy is for you!

Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone review

Chocolate Shop Frenzy game app for the iphone review


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