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The AC-130 Spectre gunship shooting game app for iPhone review

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AC130 Spectre gunship shooting game app

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AC-130 Spectre gunship shooting game app
AC-130 Spectre This is one of my favourite Apple iPhone gaming apps. We have all seen the black and white gun camera kill videos shown on the news and on the Internet. The whole game is based to look like you are the gun operator on the huge AC-130 Spectre gunship flying high over the target area. You get to play with three guns of different strengths, 150mm cannon, 40mm gun and a 25mm machine gun. You view the whole action through a night vision camera like the real thing. Depending what weapon you choose the zoom of the lens is altered.

The AC-130 Spectre gunship shooting game app for iPhone reviewThe AC-130 Spectre gunship shooting game app for iPhone review

The AC-130 Spectre gunship shooting game app for iPhone review

I downloaded the free lite version of the AC-130 Spectre iPhone gaming app but was so taken with the game I immediately purchased the full version. As you progress through the different operations in the campaign game you get different targets to take out. Tanks and lots of different vehicles arrive to be blown up. When shooting terrorists you have to be careful not to hit Joe Public. It gets a lot harder when you have to go on operations when there are a lot of SAM sites (Surface to Air Missiles). You have to destroy all these rocket launchers before you can start the mission.

   The AC-130 Spectre gunship shooting game app for iPhone review

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