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Little Red Sled, Little Red Sled iphone,Little Red Sled review, Little Red Sled game app, Little Red Sled iphone game app,Little Red Sled game app review

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Little Red Sled game app

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Little Red Sled toboggan sledge game app
I enjoy games like the Little Red Sled toboggan game app as they are unusual and not the normal car racing or shoot’em up computer game. The Little Red Sled is just challenging enough to keep the interest of an adult but it is great for kids. With Little Red Sled you can perform aerial stunts and collect coloured tokens to increase your score. Little Red Sled is sweet and cute. You start by choosing a downhill sledging course. Winning courses unlocks new ones. Each course is marked on a picture of a mountain with a circle with a question mark in it. A circle with a crown in it means it is a completed course.

Little Red Sled, Little Red Sled iphone,Little Red Sled review, Little Red Sled game app, Little Red Sled iphone game app,Little Red Sled game app review

Little Red Sled, Little Red Sled iphone,Little Red Sled review, Little Red Sled game app, Little Red Sled iphone game app,Little Red Sled game app review

Little Red Sled is simple to play. To steer you move your iphone to the left to move left and right to move to the right. To perform tricks you shake your iPhone and in theory you tap the screen to brake, but this produces varied results. The top third of the screen is currently used for pausing the Little Red Sled game and the bottom two thirds for braking. There are little snow ramps that you can jump off and collect mid-air gift tokens. If you want to be flash you can do this whilst making in-air spin stunts.

The Little Red Sled toboggan game has 13 levels of play. They range from Green Circle (training/easy courses) to Blue Square (intermediate), and Black Diamond. The game ramps up its difficulty level as you go to provide a harder challenging game. If the music that accompanies the starts to get on your nerves, just touch the left bunny on the main menu and you will be able to mute the music without affecting any of the normal game sound effects.


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