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Baby Nursing Master app for the iphone, breast feeding app, nursing app, nursing master app,breast feeding iphone, nursing iphone, nursing master iphone

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Baby Nursing Master app

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The Baby Nursing master app
The Nursing Master app for the iPhone will help give a new breast feeding nursing mother piece of mind. You can use this app to keep in tune with your newborn baby's needs. It helps take the guess work out of babies feeding times. If your baby cries, you can eliminate hunger as the cause of its discomfort. Nursing Master makes it easy to track all your baby's breast and bottle feedings so you can see how much and how often your baby eats.

Baby Nursing Master app for the iphone, breast feeding app, nursing app, nursing master app,breast feeding iphone, nursing iphone, nursing master iphone Baby Nursing Master app for the iphone, breast feeding app, nursing app, nursing master app,breast feeding iphone, nursing iphone, nursing master iphone Baby Nursing Master app for the iphone, breast feeding app, nursing app, nursing master app,breast feeding iphone, nursing iphone, nursing master iphone

You can easily start and stop timing feeds at the tap of a button. On the feeding screen there are two big buttons, one for the left and one for the right breast. The app shows you which side you fed on last to promote proper alternate-side nursing. It records the durtion of the feed on on each side. When feeding with a bottle you can enter how much was consumed and when. You can also show the type of liquid; expressed breast milk, formula, milk, soy-based formula, soy-milk, and water.

Baby Nursing Master app for the iphone, breast feeding app, nursing app, nursing master app,breast feeding iphone, nursing iphone, nursing master iphone  Baby Nursing Master app for the iphone, breast feeding app, nursing app, nursing master app,breast feeding iphone, nursing iphone, nursing master iphone

The Nursing Master app records a detailed log of all you feedings, and can be viewed as a graph to see feedings over days, weeks, and months. It can time two babies at once and track up to ten on a single app. The graph can compare up to ten babies feeding data from other mums at the same time.

The Nursing Master app allows you to add, edit, and delete nursing and bottle feeding sessions. You can e-mail a feeding report right from the app to your doctor or health worker. You can customize the view of your baby's log with a photo that you download from your library or you can take a picture of your new baby right from the app. The only criticism is that there is no pause button to cope with burping of your baby.

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